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Favorite Location:
Shady Glen at sunset
Favorite Color:
Definitely purple
Favorite Game:
Dragon's Revenge
Favorite Ice Cream:
I LOVE mint chip
Counting Down to 2011
December 31st, 2010
Isn’t it amazing how huge our world is? Some of you have been in 2011 for almost 8 hours, and some of us still have 12 or more hours of 2010 left!
I rang in the New Year with some panda friends in New Zealand, Australia, and even Russia, early this morning. Check out these pictures!
I plan to make several more visits today as other parts of the world welcome 2011. I’ll announce on my Twitter (PandandaHenry) when I’m going to visit.
Don’t forget to log in tomorrow for a special New Year 2011 gift. It will only be available from 12am until 11:59pm Pandanda Time on Saturday,
January 1, 2011. Not sure what time it is in Pandanda? You can check the clock on the Pandanda home page or on your Pandanda Calendar if you are logged into Pandanda.
Party on into the New Year!
2010 Is Almost Gone!
December 29th, 2010
It has been an awesome year in Pandanda! In addition to Festivals, parties, visits from Zing Ballyhoo, and contests, we added
lots of new things to make Pandanda even more fun and exciting. Here's a look back at some of the highlights!
- Free Elite Member Days
- The Interactive Pandanda Calendar
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Coconut Beach
- Summer Festival
- Harvest Grove
- Harvest Festival
- Farmer Ned’s Barn
- Pumpkin Festival
- Birthday Gifts for Your Panda
- The Official Pandanda Blogroll
- Questy Greybeard
- Winter Festival
And believe it or not, 2011 is going to be even better! There will be more parties and special events, more contests, and more
chances for you to have fun with your Pandanda pals and me! I must keep you in suspense about the details for now, but you
know where to look for Pandanda updates and announcements, right? Yep, you guessed it – right here on Henry’s Blog!!
Party on, Pandas!
Merry Christmas!
December 25th, 2010
Hey everyone,
The gift under the big tree in Bear Hollow is now available! So be sure to log in and collect your present if you haven't done so already!
I wish you all the very best Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays!
Jumping Jolly Snowmen!
December 22nd, 2010
Hi Pandas!
I hope you are all enjoying the winter festival. I sure am! Have you found enough stocking stuffers to warm up with Chilly’s
prizes of a hat, scarf, and steaming mug of cocoa? Or maybe, instead of getting warm you’ve decided to cool down and change into a snowman!
West Market Street was overrun with snowmen earlier today. I dropped in for a quick visit and got some great
photos. Check ‘em out below.
Don’t forget that at the stroke of midnight starting Christmas Day (Dec. 25th) you’ll be able to open your present under
the tree in Bear Hollow!
Winter Festival Begins!
December 15th, 2010
Hey Pandas! The Pandanda Winter Festival is underway! The townsfolk have put up their festival decorations and holiday music
can be heard across Pandanda.
Chilly the Snowman has arrived in West Market Street and has lots of winter prizes available in exchange for stocking stuffers which
you'll find scattered throughout Pandanda.
Extra Quests have been added during the Winter Festival as well! Stop by West Market Street and talk to Mr. Elmhurst to get started!
Let's make this the best Pandanda festival yet!
Winter Festival Starts Wednesday!
December 13th, 2010
Hi Pandas!
Zing Ballyhoo has left for vacation again but don't fret! The Winter Festival begins in just 2 days! The townsfolk are busy getting their holiday decorations ready and
the Pandanda weather forcasters are predicting even more snow! I can't wait!
I've created a special Holiday Drawing Contest Album showcasing some of the artwork submitted.
While we can't show all of them (there were several hundreds of entries), I want
to thank everyone who participated and submitted their drawings. You all did a terrific job!
Questy Greybeard Arrives!
December 10th, 2010
Hey Pandas! I've got some exciting news and just couldn't wait another day to tell you about it!
I'd like to welcome our newest resident to Pandanda Land, Questy Greybeard!
That's right! Questy Greybeard has arrived
and he's set up shop in the Tree House Lobby. He's got an awesome catalog full of Quest rewards for sale! There's some really amazing items that you'll have to see to believe!
So head on over to the Tree House Lobby to say 'Hi!' and view the catalog!
And be sure to check out the Holiday Drawing Contest Winners below! Congratulations again to Eglantine and Kovalsky!
Holiday Drawing Contest Winners!
December 10th, 2010
Hi Pandas!
After looking at all the creative and artistic drawings that you sent in for the Holiday Drawing Contest, our judging panel has chosen the winners.
Believe me, it was not an easy choice! Each entry was special, and I really appreciate the time and effort each of you put into your drawings.
The Grand Prize for “Best Picture that is Hand Drawn” goes to Eglantine!
The Grand Prize for “Best Picture Drawn in a Computer Program” goes to Kovalsky!
Congratulations to both of you! Your 3 month Pandanda Elite Membership Gift Certificate will be sent to the email address your panda was registered
with, so make sure to watch for it! And your 5,000 Panda Power Points will be added to your account.
While we celebrate our two winners today on an outstanding job, I thought it might be nice for everyone to see some of the other great drawings submitted throughout the contest. I’ll be putting together a little slideshow in the next few days to showcase some of the finalists, according to our judging panel, in an official Pandanda Holiday Art gallery show.
I hope everyone will tell the winners “Well done!” when you see them in Pandanda. And to everyone who participated in the contest, thank you so much. You rock!
Pictures from Red and Green Day
December 9th, 2010
Hey Pandas!
I had a great time during Red and Green Day yesterday! I hope you did, too. It was so much fun visiting with many of my friends, as well as making new friends, too!
You really brought the Holiday Spirit to Pandanda in your red and green outfits. We partied all over Pandanda, and even stopped to sing Christmas
carols in the Purple Door. We didn’t want the ghosts at Misty Hill to feel left out, so we wished them a Merry Ghostmas!
Here are some pictures I took during my Red and Green Day visits. Maybe you can find yourselves in them!
RED & GREEN Day is Here!
December 8th, 2010
Hey there, festive folks!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone dressed all in RED & GREEN today.
I will be popping into Pandanda all day long - you
never know when or where I might show up (well, you might get some hints if you follow me on Twitter!) I’ll be chatting and
hanging out with you, and taking pictures to share on my blog. I can’t wait to see you!
Don’t forget, Zing Ballyhoo has his last prize available now! Make sure you get it before he leaves on Sunday the 12th. The
Tree House Lobby sure will seem empty when he is gone, but I’ve heard that Questy Greybeard just might be looking at the Lobby
as a place to set up shop. How exciting!
I have decorated my tree house for the holidays - have you? Remember, Mr. Elmhurst at West Market Street has holiday
decorations that everyone can buy, so there is no reason to have a plain tree house!
Party on in RED & GREEN!
Red and Green Day on Wednesday!
December 6th, 2010
Hey Panda friends!
The Pandanda Team is busy downloading the last of the Holiday Drawing Contest entries. All of the entries that were sent by 11:59pm
Pandanda Time (PST) Sunday night will be entered in the contest. Thank you for participating! The panel of judges now has the hard job
of picking two winners from all of your awesome artwork! They will be judging on originality, expressiveness, colors, holiday theme, and style,
and will award one prize to the “best picture drawn in a computer program” and one prize to the “best picture that is hand drawn.” Those
two winners will each get a 3 month Pandanda Gift Certificate and 5000 Panda Power. Winners will be announced on my Blog this Friday, December 10th!
Now that Christmas season is in full-swing around Pandanda, let’s celebrate by having another Color Day! I declare Wednesday, December 8, 2010
as RED & GREEN DAY in Pandanda! Wear red or green Panda Paint, put on your favorite red and green clothes, and maybe even wear a Santa or
Elf suit! Remember, all pandas can buy Panda Paint from the Pandanda Collection Catalog in the Clothing Co. on East Market Street. There is also
a Santa hat that everyone can buy!
Make sure you are in an extra-festive mood on Wednesday’s RED & GREEN DAY,
because I am planning to make surprise visits that day!
Watch for my Tweets! I’ll be taking pictures of happy pandas having fun with friends, helping other players, being kind,
and spreading good cheer. That’s what this time of the year is about!
Party on, Pandas!
Catalog Updates!
December 2nd, 2010
Hi everyone!
The Pandanda Collection clothes catalog has been updated with Christmas items to help you celebrate the season. Talk to Fitch
at Clothing Co. on East Market Street to see the holiday attire.
Also, the House & Tree furniture catalog has been updated with seasonal items to spruce up your tree house! And Mr. Elmhurst
has gotten a shipment of festive tree house items for sale on West Market Street!
The Pandanda Holiday Drawing Contest is still going on so you still have time to send in your artwork! All entries must be emailed
by this Sunday, December 5th at
11:59pm Pandanda Time (PST). Don’t forget to include your Panda name in your email, and make sure to send it from the email address
your Pandanda account was created with.
Read more about the contest here.
Snow Falls on Pandanda!
November 29th, 2010
Hey Pandas!
Looks like the Pandanda Weather Forecasters were spot on with their prediction of snow. A light snow has covered almost all of
Pandanda Land except the sunny and tropical Coconut Beach.
Thanksgiving Week has ended and the Pandanda residents are busily preparing for the Winter Festival which starts December 15th!
To help celebrate the holidays, The Pandanda Collection clothes catalog and the House & Tree furniture catalog will both be getting
updated this week with seasonal items from holidays past.
In other news, I've recently heard rumor of a new Pandanda resident that should be arriving sometime in December! It's said that he goes by the
name Questy Greybeard. Hmmm, I'll keep you posted as I learn more details!
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 25th, 2010
Hey everyone!
I hope you are all enjoying Thankgiving Week! The
event lasts through Sunday so be sure to get your turkey hat and stop by for a feast on East Market Street with your friends!
The Pandanda Team is really enjoying seeing all of the Holiday art you are submitting for the Holiday Drawing Contest.
There are a lot of talented pandas out there! You have until Sunday, December 5th at 11:59pm Pandanda Time (PST) to
email us your entry. Don’t forget to include your Panda name in your email, and make sure to send it from the email address
your Pandanda account was created with. Read more about the contest here.
Bloggers, the Official Pandanda Blogroll is still open! The Pandanda Team is busy checking blogs to see if they meet the
Blogroll requirements. If you have submitted your blog and it is not on the Blogroll yet, you should be getting an email from the
Team telling you what you need to add or change in order to be added. Want your blog added to the Blogroll? Scroll down to
my post on November 4th to find out how to be included!
In other news, the Pandanda Weather Forecaster is predicting SNOW headed to Pandanda next week! I can't wait!
Have a great Thanksgiving,
Free Elite Member Day This Saturday!
November 23rd, 2010
Hi Pandas!
Pandanda is hosting a Free Elite Member Day this Saturday, November 27th!
That means everyone who logs in on Saturday will have full access to all of Pandanda's Elite Membership features! You can use
your Pandanda coins to buy anything in the Pandanda Collection clothes catalog! Or purchase any furniture in the House & Tree
catalog and unlock your tree house to have friends over! You can even adopt a pet dragon!
This event is for one day only starting on Saturday at 12:01am PST and ending Saturday at 11:59pm PST so don't miss out!
*Non-Elite Members will get to keep all the Elite items purchased Saturday but will not be able to use them after Saturday without an Elite Membership.
Thanksgiving Week
November 22nd, 2010
Hey Pandas,
It has been a great year in Pandanda, and we have so much to be thankful for. Since Thanksgiving is being celebrated in the USA on Thursday,
we’ve decided to have a whole week of celebration! When you log into Pandanda this week, you will get a cool Thanksgiving gift and see
Pandanda decorated for Thanksgiving. Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving where you live, I’ll bet you have lots of things you can give
thanks for! Get your friends together for a Thanksgiving feast around the dinner table at East Market Street and share your thanks!
Ten (10) new quests have been added to Pandanda! If you're a regular quester, you'll see new quests starting this week from Tammy, McWiggles,
Fishy Joe, Steve, Farmer Dan, and Lisa. You may also notice that during Thanksgiving week there are 9 quests available each day!
This is a great week to work on those questing skills!
Make sure you mark your calendar for Free Elite Member Day this Saturday, November 27th. I’ll have more information tomorrow!
Holiday Drawing Contest - More Information
November 18th, 2010
Hey everyone!
The Holiday Drawing Contest judging team has started looking at the art you have submitted. There are some really nice drawings coming in!
There have been some questions sent in about the contest, as well as some entries that have not followed the rules, so I wanted to answer
the questions and remind everyone to read the complete list of rules carefully.
- Your pictures can be about any holiday, but we would really like to see pictures of pandas celebrating the holidays during the months of November and December in Pandanda.
- You can submit as many entries as you like in either or both categories, but you can only win once.
- All contest entries must be 100% drawn by you, whether using your computer mouse or other computer drawing device, or with crayons, pencils,
paints, etc. Screenshots or images from Pandanda that have been edited will not be accepted for this contest.
- Put your Pandanda name in your email message so we can know whose art it is!
- Make sure your parents or guardians are sending your drawings from the email address your panda is registered to. The email address your drawing comes from
MUST match the email address used to register your Panda, since that is the address the Gift Certificate prize will be sent to if you win.
You might submit the best art we’ve ever seen, but if you haven’t followed all of the contest rules, you won’t be able to win! Don’t let your hard work be disqualified - read and follow the
contest rules!
Holiday Drawing Contest!
November 17th, 2010
I've got some exciting news! Today I’m delighted to announce that we are having a new Pandanda drawing contest! The contest is to create and submit a drawing of
something related to the theme “Holidays in Pandanda Land”. Your original drawing can be hand drawn or created on a computer. The entry however must be emailed to us in
the format of a digital image (in one of the following formats: jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, pdf, png).
Hand drawn images will need to be scanned into your computer
so they can be emailed to us. There will be two prizes. One prize for the ”best
picture that is hand drawn” category and one prize for the “best picture drawn
in a computer program” category.
The winners will be announced on Friday, December 10th on my blog and each winner will receive a 3 month Pandanda Gift Certificate
and 5000 Panda Power!
- Two prizes will be awarded by the panel of judges.
- One prize will be awarded for the “best picture drawn in a computer program” category – the prize will be a 3 month Pandanda Gift Certificate
and 5000 Panda Power.
- One prize will be awarded for the” best picture that is hand drawn” category using traditional media such as paper and pencil,
crayons, markers, paints etc. – the prize will be a 3 month Pandanda Gift Certificate and 5000 Panda Power.
The panel of judges will be looking at originality, expressiveness, colors, holiday theme, and style!
To submit your drawing (have your parent or guardian help you):
- Read and obey the rules. Entering the competition means that you and your parent/guardian agree to the rules. If you are under 13 years old, please ask your
parent or guardian to review them with you, along with our website terms of use specifically with regard to the use of submissions you send to us.
- Ask your parent or guardian to email your drawing to contest@pandanda.com from their email address, the one they used when they signed you up for Pandanda.
The two winners will receive a reply to this same email address with the 3 month Pandanda Gift Certificate.
- Type the words "Holiday Drawing Contest" in the subject line of the email.
- Type your Panda name in the text of the email for example "Panda Name: Paige."
- Do NOT include your real name, house address or phone number.
- Remember to attach your drawing to your email.
- Email your entry no later than Sunday, December 5th at 11:59pm, Pandanda Time (PST).
A complete list of contest rules can be found by clicking here
Sheriff Steele Says: Account Security
November 16th, 2010
Hello Pandanda Land citizens! My good friend Henry has asked me to give you all some tips on keeping your Pandanda accounts safe and secure.
I know that you spend a lot of time and effort working to earn coins so you can buy clothes and accessories for your panda, furniture and decorations
for your tree house, and even those cute dragon pets! You also have rare gifts and prizes that you have collected by attending special events.
If you don’t keep your account secure, you are at risk of losing your things. That would be horrible!! What can you do to keep this from happening?
First, make sure you have a strong password. Then, keep that password completely private. Don’t tell it to anyone for any reason. Don’t tell it to
your best friend, don’t tell it to your brother or sister, don’t tell it to the panda who says they will buy you a membership or give you coins or do
Quests for you. Once someone knows your password, they can go on your account and do anything they want - even sell all of your things and
get your account permanently banned. Whatever happens, it is your responsibility. Pandanda cannot give you your things back.
What makes a strong password?
- When you make a password, it should be completely different from any other password you use.
- A password should not be a word that can be found in a dictionary.
- A strong password contains at least six characters - more is better.
- It should contain a mix of numbers and capital and lowercase letters, and should be something someone who knows you couldn't guess.
- Never use any part of your real name, Pandanda name, or email address in your password.
If you think someone else knows your password, you should change it immediately by using the "Change my password” link on the login page.
Pandanda has many security measures in place to protect your account, but it is up to each of you to keep your account password private and
hard to guess. Keep your Pandanda experience happy and fun by keeping your account information private. Remember, your account is your responsibility!
Play safe, be safe!
Sheriff Steele
Zing Ballyhoo Returns Monday!
November 12th, 2010
Hi Pandas,
Zing Ballyhoo is headed back to Pandanda Land! He'll be arriving with fabulous prizes in his giant gold
suitcases Sunday at midnight Pandanda Time.
Zing will be placing tickets all over Pandanda for you to collect and exchange for his prizes. Starting Monday, you can find tickets on the ground in every location,
except your tree house. Whether you're wandering around or just hanging out with your friends, you'll notice
tickets appearing on the ground. Just be sure to grab them before they disappear! Once you've collected 10 tickets, go visit Zing in the
Treehouse Lobby to trade them for a prize!
He's already set up his tent in the Treehouse Lobby and rumor has it he's
busily sorting and arranging his prizes. I can't wait to see what wonderful prizes he has in store for us this time!
Questers Reach Level 20!
November 9th, 2010
Hey Pandas!
Yesterday was another milestone for Pandanda Quests.
Let’s give three cheers for Blowsight10 for being the very first Panda to reach Level 20! That is quite an accomplishment.
You might remember that Blowsight10 was also the first Panda to reach Level 10. Wow!
Blowsight10 wasn’t the only Panda to reach Level 20 on Monday, though. These dedicated Pandas also made it to
this impressive milestone. Make sure to congratulate them all for their hard work!
I am so impressed by your Questing Skills! Keep up the awesome work!
Welcome to the Official Pandanda Blogroll!
November 8th, 2010
Hey everyone!
We had a great response to our call for Pandanda blogs. The Pandanda Team has been reading your emails and visiting your blogs,
checking to make sure they meet the Blogroll requirements. Today we are pleased to welcome the first blogs to the Official Pandanda
Blogroll! If your blog is not on there, don’t worry! The Team is still visiting and checking blogs. If your blog did not meet some of the
requirements, the Team will contact you to let you know what you need to add or change.
Pandas, please take some time to click on the blogs in the Blogroll and visit them. Pandanda fan blogs are great ways to stay
informed about what is going on in Pandanda, and many of them have special guides to help you with Quests and other Pandanda
gameplay. Fan blogs also plan parties and sometimes even have Elite Membership contests! But you won’t know about those awesome
things unless you visit the blogs in the Official Pandanda Blogroll!
It is not too late to send a request to include your Pandanda blog in the Blogroll. If you are interested, you can scroll down to my
previous blog entry to see what you need to do.
Blog on, Pandas!
The Official Pandanda Blogroll!
November 4th, 2010
We know there are a lot of awesome Pandanda fan blogs out there! Some of you have been blogging about Pandanda for a long time,
and you put a lot of work into keeping your blogs updated and exciting. We would like to recognize your effort and commitment by
adding your blogs to the Official Pandanda Blogroll!
To be considered for the Official Pandanda Blogroll, your blog must meet these requirements:
- The blog has been active for at least one month.
- The blog is updated at least once per week.
- The blog must be about Pandanda, with only a very few mentions of any other games.
- The blog must have a link to www.pandanda.com on the main page.
- The blog must not contain inappropriate content.
To request that your blog be added to the Official Pandanda Blogroll, send an email to support@pandanda.com
with BLOGROLL in the subject line. Make sure to include your blog’s URL, the name you want the Blogroll to show for your blog, and any special
information you think we should know about your blog.
The Pandanda Team will visit each blog to decide if it meets the requirements. If it does, the blog will be added to the Blogroll.
If some of the requirements are missing from your blog, the Team will send you an email letting you know what you need to do to
meet the requirements. We look forward to adding your blog to the Official Pandanda Blogroll!
Blog on, Pandas!
Orange Day Photo Album!
November 2nd, 2010
Hey Pandas!
I had a blast at last week's Orange Day! We received a ton of great player photos and created an Orange Day
photo album.
Thanks to everyone who submitted their photos!
Celebrate and Remember!
November 1st, 2010
Hey everyone!
Halloween Pandanda-style was so much fun! You all looked great in your Halloween tee shirts - I hope it wasn’t too hard to find.
I really enjoyed hanging out with all my friends at the Pumpkin Stage! I hope you're enjoying all your Halloween candy as much as I am.
Today and tomorrow Pandanda is celebrating Day of the Dead, a holiday that has roots in Mexico, but is observed throughout the world.
Day of the Dead is a time of celebration in honor and remembrance of friends and family members who have died. Decorated skull masks are
common symbols of this holiday. When you log into Pandanda during the celebration you will get your own mask to wear!
Don’t forget, the last day of the Pumpkin Festival is Wednesday. You still have time to collect candy and trade it for cool items
at the Cauldron of Prizes on West Market Street. And check back tomorrow for the Orange Day photo album!