Winter Party Photos
Dec. 29th, 2008
Hey! I want to thank everyone who showed up at the winter party. I really enjoyed meeting all of you and hope you had a great time! Here's
a few pictures I took during the party. There will be a few more photos in the next issue of the PLA Today newspaper.
Henry kicks off the party inviting everyone to dance
Henry's tree house decorated for the holidays
Pandan welcomes everyone to his house on the tree house tour
Sheriff Steele shows off his dance moves
Happy Holidays!
Dec. 24th, 2008
Happy Holidays everyone! I been visiting a lot of tree houses in Pandanda and they all look fantastic! You all have done a great job decorating.
Here are a few tree houses I thought looked really festive!
And don't forget about the Winter Party this Saturday starting at 3pm PST. I'll see you there!
New issue of PLA Today
Dec. 10th, 2008
Howdy! A new issue of PLA Today is out! Log in and click the newspaper icon to read all about what's going on around Pandanda Land.
Also, many of you may have already seen Mr. Elmhurst on West Market Street. Well he's just gotten a bunch of tree house decorations for the winter
festivities! These items won't be available for too long so make sure you stop by soon to see what he's got for sale.
Winter Party on December 27th 3-5pm PST
Dec. 9th, 2008
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to announce the Winter Party will be held on Saturday December 27th from 3-5pm Pacific Standard Time.
That means if you live in the United States on the west coast the party starts at 3pm, if you live in the Midwest the party starts
at 5pm and on the east coast the party starts at 6pm. Other countries will need to adjust for their time zone as well. Be sure to ask
your parents if you're not sure what time zone you are in.
There will be a free gift for everyone that shows up! I'll be there too, so keep an eye out for me and say 'hi'!
Winter Festival & Potions
Dec. 6th, 2008
Greetings! December is underway and the citizens of Pandanda Land have put up their lights and decorations to celebrate the holidays.
We got a little bit of snow which makes everything feel even more festive. The Winter Festival is later this month so keep an eye on
my blog or the newspaper to learn more next week.
Also, a new vendor has come to town, Mr. Elmhurst. He has set up a cart on West Market Street and I hear he will buy any old furniture
Pandas are looking to get rid of. Before you stop by to sell your furniture make sure you’ve placed it back into storage as Mr. Elmhurst
will only buy the furniture you have in storage. Next time you’re in West Market Street stop by to welcome him.
And finally, potions are now available! Head down Bear Hollow and talk to Paige, she likes to hang out next to the Book Nook.
Paige got these potions from Trixie Trimble who just got back from a trip to the Dragon’s Lair. But you’ll learn more about that
in an upcoming article in the newspaper.
Quests and Awards
Nov. 27th, 2008
Hey there! I've been getting several questions about Quests and Awards.
Currently, Pandanda is still in Open Beta testing. This means that not all of the final features are included in the game yet. Quests and Awards are
two of the final features that are not available yet. The team is hard at work to make sure that they are both going to be lots of fun.
I can't say when they'll be ready, but I'll be sure to let you know as soon as they've been added to the game.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 27th, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Next time you log in you'll notice a few changes.
First, the menubar was feeling old and outdated so it's been replaced by a shiny and sleek new design!
Also, the News and Sheriff icons have moved to the right side of the screen under the Map icon. They will auto-hide to keep the screen clean and uncluttered. Just move the mouse
over to the right part of the game screen below the Map icon and they'll jump into action!
Reminder about safety
Nov. 16th, 2008
Hey everyone! Sheriff Steele wanted me to remind you not to share personal information with other Pandas online.
This includes your real name, phone number, email address, home address, or where you live. If someone is asking you for this information please
tell them it is against the Pandanda rules. If they persist and won't leave you alone, you can either ignore them or report them.
To ignore or report another player you can click on their Panda and choose “ignore” from the circle menu. This will bring up another menu that will ask if you want
to simply “ignore” the other player or “report” them to the Pandanda Team. Either option will make it so you no longer see them in game. You can always un-ignore
the player later if you want to see them in the game again. Ignored players are added to your ignore list accessed on the main menu bar on the far right.
With your help Pandanda can be a fun and safe place for everyone!
How to open Treasure Chests
Nov. 13th, 2008
Hi again! I've gotten lots of questions about the treasure chests Pandas are finding. Here's a little help to get you started on your own treasure hunt!
First things first, you'll need a shovel. Treasure chests are always found in the ground and need to be dug up. You can buy a shovel from Fishy Joe.
Once you have your shovel, travel to Pawthorne Forest or Shady Glen and look for a pile of dirt. You won't always find one right away but if you
keep collecting mushrooms, vegetables, and gems, you'll eventually run across a dirt pile. When you do, walk up to the dirt and click on it to dig up
whatever is underneath. You might just find a treasure chest!
Great, now you have a treasure chest! But you'll need a key to open it. Keys can be found in the dirt too. Or you can visit Fishy Joe to see if he has any
extras. Each key can only be used once so you'll need a key for each chest. When you've got both a chest and a key, open your backpack and click on the chest.
You'll see an "Open Chest" button underneath the chest in the preview area. Click the button and claim your treasure!
Change your Panda color!
Nov. 8th, 2008
Hey everyone! You can now buy new colors for your Panda!
You can find the new colors in the clothes catalog from Fitch. He works at Clothing Co. located on East Market Street. There are lots of colors to choose from so you can match your Panda to your favorite outfit.
Once you purchase a color, you can reuse it as often as you like. Hurray!
Registration Problems
Nov. 2nd, 2008
So far things have been running smoothly this first weekend of Beta. Unfortunately, there were some problems registering new Pandas this morning.
But thanks to your help, the Pandanda Team was able to fix the problem. If you tried signing up this morning and kept getting the "User name not available" message,
please try registering again. I can't wait to see you in Pandanda Land!
Beta Update - The First Weekend
Nov. 2nd, 2008
What an exciting weekend it's been! I've seen lots of new Pandas running around! I hope everyone is having fun and learning their way around Pandanda Land.
I have already received a few questions I thought would be helpful for everyone.
- How do I change the color of my Panda?
Panda paints are coming soon and you will be able to color your Panda anytime you like!
- How can I find fruits and get them down from the trees?
You can find lots of different fruits in the Orchard. Most of the fruit you see in the trees aren't ripe yet and can't be picked. But when you see
some fruit in the trees that's sparkling, that means it's ready to be picked! When you move your mouse cursor over a sparkling piece of fruit, you'll see the
paw cursor. Click the fruit and it's yours!
Beta comming October 31st!
Oct. 20th, 2008
I’m so excited to announce that we’ll be in Beta October 31st! You’ll be able to sign up for a free account and start having some fun! You will have a great time playing games with your friends, decorating your tree house, customizing your player card, and dressing up your very own Red Panda. I can’t wait to see you in Pandanda Land!
Welcome to my blog!
Oct. 20th, 2008
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! This is where I write about all the cool happenings in Pandanda. I hope you check back often to learn about new adventures and events in Pandanda Land.