Henry blogs as often as possible to keep all his friends “in the know” about all things Pandanda. If you have a topic you’d like Henry to respond to on his blog you can send your questions to him.
Favorite Location:
Shady Glen at sunset
Favorite Color:
Definitely purple
Favorite Game:
Dragon's Revenge
Favorite Ice Cream:
I LOVE mint chip
New PLA Today and Twitter!
Apr. 30th, 2009
Hey everyone! There's a new issue of the PLA Today newspaper covering the drawing contest results, how potions came to Pandanda Land, and
the origins of Pandanda's Pandas!
A lot of you have asked for another way to get Pandanda updates. Now you can follow me on Twitter! My official Henry's Twitter can be found at
Updated Flag Shirts
Apr. 27th, 2009
Hey all, as we get more and more Pandanda players from all over the globe, we've been adding new flag shirts for more countries.
The clothes catalog has now been updated with 12 new flag shirts including Argentina, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Finland, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and United Arab Emirates!
Drawing Contest Winners!
Apr. 25th, 2009
Hey gang! We got some terrific submissions for the drawing contest! It was very difficult to pick the winners, everyone did such a great job!
The winner for hand drawing is Ilona12!
The winner for computer drawing is NarutoKun!
I want to thank everyone that sent in a drawing submission, they were all wonderful! The winners will receive their gift certificate in email to
the Pandanda Gear Store on Zazzle this weekend. Be sure to check out the next issue of PLA Today coming this week for the honorable mentions.
Drawing Contest Ended
Apr. 24th, 2009
Hey everyone, the drawing contest is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered, we got some great artwork!
Winners will be announced on my blog this Saturday and then again next week in the PLA Today newspaper.
Happy Earth Day!
Apr. 22nd, 2009
Happy Earth Day everyone! Here are some things you can do on Earth Day :
- Pick up any litter you see on the ground.
- Plant some flowers.
- Turn off unneeded lights.
- Recycle!
- Take a hike, have a pinic, or just enjoy the outdoors!
Also, I wanted to remind you there's only one day left to enter the drawing contest, so get those submissions in by Thursday, April 23rd at 11:59pm PDT! I will announce the winners
on my blog this Saturday and again later in next week's PLA Today newspaper.
Now, to answer a few questions I've been getting.
- Will there be more beta items?
Yes! We will have several more beta items before the end of beta. Remember to check my blog for future beta item announcements.
- How do I send emotes?
To send an emote, first click on the chat bubble icon on the menubar. Then move your mouse over the "Emotes" section. Finally, click on the emote you want to send.
There are also more emotes you can do by pressing the number keys 1 through 8 on your keyboard.
Beta Item Available, New Clothes Catalog, and Exciting New Official Pandanda Gear!
Apr. 18th, 2009
Hey everyone! Wow, lots going on this weekend! The first beta item is now available, the "I'm a Beta" t-shirt! All you need to do is log in to get it!
This is a unique item that will only be available for a short while and then no one else will be able to get it. You will be able to keep this item even
after beta to show off that you were a beta tester!
And if you really like the in-game t-shirt, you can now buy a real one for yourself or for a friend! I'm so happy to announce that Pandanda has set up a
clothes and official gear store where you can purchase real clothing, mouse pads, and even key chains! Check out the super cool collection by
clicking here or on the shirt to the right.
Finally, there's an updated clothes catalog in the game. Check out the cool new sunglasses, skirts, and cowboy hats! There will be more flag shirts added
later this week and I've heard a rumor that Paige will be getting a new potion soon! Something we haven't seen before!

I'm a Beta (Red Henry) by
New PLA Today and 1st Beta Item
Apr. 15th, 2009
Hey everyone! There's a new issue of the PLA Today newspaper out. There's a story on the drawing contest and photos from the party this past Saturday.
We're also announcing the first beta item that will only be available to beta players and only for a limited time! Here's a scrambled photo of the first beta item!
The photo will be unscrambled a little bit each day until Saturday when you'll be able to get the item. All you have to do to get the beta item is to log in and
it will be added to your closet! Check out my blog or the PLA Today newspaper each day to see the photo unscramble!
Also, we've been getting some great entries for the drawing contest! It's really exciting to see everyone's artwork. Remember to check the complete rules
by clicking here and keep those submissions coming!
Pandanda Drawing Contest!
Apr. 12th, 2009
I've got some exciting news! Today I’m delighted to announce that we are having a Pandanda drawing contest! The contest is to create and submit a drawing of
something related to the theme “A great day in Pandanda Land”. Your original drawing can be hand drawn or created on a computer. The entry however must be emailed to us in
the format of a digital image (in one of the following formats: jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, pdf, png).
Hand drawn images will need to be scanned into your computer
so they can be emailed to us. There will be two prizes. One prize for the
”best picture that is hand drawn” category and one prize for the “best picture drawn
in a computer program” category. The winners will be announced on Saturday April 25th in my blog and each winner will receive an email gift certificate that they
can use to get a fantastic real Pandanda t-shirt!
- Two prizes will be awarded by the panel of judges.
- One prize will be awarded for the “best picture drawn in a computer program” category – the prize will be an email gift certificate
worth $25.00USD to obtain a cool t-shirt from our Pandanda Gear partner website.
- One prize will be awarded for the” best picture that is hand drawn” category using traditional media such as paper and pencil,
crayons, markers, paints etc. – the prize will be an email gift certificate worth $25.00USD to obtain a cool t-shirt from our
Pandanda Gear partner website.
To submit your drawing (have your parent or guardian help you):
- Read and obey the rules. Entering the competition means that you and your parent/guardian agree to the rules. If you are under 13 years old, please ask your
parent or guardian to review them with you, along with our website terms of use specifically with regard to the use of submissions you send to us.
- Ask your parent or guardian to email your drawing to contest@pandanda.com from their email address, the one they used when they signed you up for Pandanda.
The two winners will receive a reply to this same email address with instructions on how to obtain their t-shirt.
- Type the words "Drawing Contest" in the subject line of the email.
- Type your Panda name in the text of the email for example "Panda Name: Paige."
- Do NOT include your real name, house address or phone number.
- Email your entry no later than Thursday, April 23rd at 11:59pm, Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT).
A complete list of contest rules can be found by clicking here
Happy Easter!
Apr. 12th, 2009
Happy Easter everyone! I had a great time meeting all of you yesterday! We had a lot of Pandas show up and I hope I got to say "hi" to everyone who came to see me.
Sheriff Steele said he had a lot of fun too! We will have some photos from the party in the PLA Today newspaper this week.
This is the last day of the Easter Egg Hunt so find those eggs and trade them in for the cool prizes!
As some of you heard yesterday, we are going to have a Pandanda contest! I will post again this evening with all the details. Have fun!
New Server Added
Apr. 9th, 2009
Hey everyone! As you may have already noticed, there are now 2 servers for Pandanda, Willow and Oak! When you log in you'll see both servers listed
and you'll need to choose which one to play on. The servers are identical and each time you log in you get to choose which server you want.
Now, to answer a few questions I've been getting.
- Will I be able to keep the Easter Egg Hunt prizes after Beta?
Yes! You will get to keep all items from special events! This includes the Egg Hunt items, Winter Party items, and Valentine's Day items so far.
- Will the bunny potion will be around after Easter?
Paige might be able to obtain some more bunny potions in the future but it could
be a long time. So stock up this week!
Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone that I'll be in Pandanda this Saturday. I have a lot of pandas to meet so I'll be moving around a lot to each location
and between both servers. So the best chance of meeting me is if you don't move around too much. I will be around for about an hour and I want to make sure
I can meet everyone!
Check the list below to find out when I'll be in Pandanda for your time zone. For everyone in Australia, I will try to visit you again at a better time later
this spring!
Egg Hunt is Underway!
Apr. 7th, 2009
Hi Pandas!
The Easter Egg Hunt is now in full swing. The Easter Bunny did a pretty good job of hiding the eggs all over Pandanda Land. I've only found a handful so far
but I've seen other Pandas with some of the cool new prizes. Seems like a lot more bunnies running around too. :)
Check out the updated in-game newspaper, PLA Today, for hints on where to look. The basket underneath the map icon on the right hand side of the screen will tell you how
many eggs you have. When you find an egg it will be added to the basket. Don't worry, the eggs you find will still be there even if you log out.
Finally, for all the Pandas that have been emailing me asking if we can meet, I wanted to let you know I'll be in Pandanda hunting for eggs this
Saturday at 11am PST. That will be 11am PST (USA west coast), 2pm EST (USA east coast), 7pm in the United Kingdom, and 8pm in Poland.
I can't wait to meet all of you and I hope to see you there!
Easter Egg Hunt Starting Tuesday!
Apr. 4th, 2009
Hey gang! I have some exciting news! It turns out that the rumors were true, the Easter Bunny has been hiding eggs around Pandanda Land!
Starting Tuesday April 7th you'll be able to hunt for eggs around Pandanda and trade them in to the Easter Bunny for cool prizes! I even heard one of the prizes will be a new potion!
Hmmm, I wonder what it will do!
The Easter Bunny will be around all week to take your collected eggs but the more eggs you collect, the more prizes you can get! So jump in Tuesday and find those eggs!
Here's a sneak peek of one of the prizes you can get!
How to Catch Bunnies and Easter Hunt Rumor!
Apr. 1st, 2009
Hi Pandas, Happy April Fool’s Day!
Catching Farmer Dan’s bunnies in Darby Field reminds me of one bunny in particular at this time of year. That’s right….the Easter bunny! I heard an
exciting rumor that the Easter bunny will be hiding eggs for us all to find around Pandanda Land next week. I’ll see if I can find out all the details for you
and write about it in my blog over the next few days.
In other news, I’ve been practicing catching Farmer Dan’s bunnies and I’ve come up with a strategy for catching them faster and to win more coins.
I thought you might all like to hear my ideas.
1. A lot of bunnies seem to appear from the bush near the middle of the feild. I like to stand nearby the bush to catch them as they come out.
2. It sure feels like I move faster and I’m more nible when I drink one of Paige’s Mouse Hair potions to make myself small. I also think
the rabbits can't see me coming quite as easily.
3. I definitely go out of my way to catch all the brown and especially black bunnies whenever they appear. They are worth so much more that
it’s totally worth it to run across the field to catch them.
4. Right before the bunnies run away completely I like to find a good spot to stand so that I can catch a bunch of bunnies as they run past
5. I found it’s better to run to a location near a bunch of bunnies by clicking once near the bunnies and then, when I get close to them, I can
click on them all.
Well that’s it for today. Happy bunny catching! I know Farmer Dan is very grateful for all of your help.
Stay tuned for details on the Easter Eggs!
Spring Time is Here!
Mar. 20th, 2009
Hey fellow Pandas! Spring time is finally here! The snow has melted and Darby Field has been discovered! Farmer Dan needs your help keeping
his bunnies under control. They love to break out of their hutch and stretch their legs as they hop around the field. You can get to Darby
Field from the map or from the Orchard. Read more about Farmer Dan and Darby Field as well as a story on The Big Scoop in the new issue of PLA Today!
Also, you may notice a few changes to the menubar. The news icon and sheriff badge have been added to the menubar to make them
easier to find.
I wanted to say thank you again for all the bloggers who sent me links to their blogs. They are all great and
helpful for everyone including Pandas who are new to Pandanda. Keep up the great work!
Here are a few more bloggers that have done a wonderful job: seert, Bernardo963, Lukaas, Luyil, DalekAd, Robby79, Dalton,
Shadow126, Arthius, pandzia1207, & Detektyw182!
Do you like Bunny Chase? Send me a message and let me know what you think. Have fun!
Bunny Field Discovered!
Mar. 13th, 2009
Hey everyone, I finally found out where the bunnies are coming from! It turns out that Farmer Dan has a field behind the orchard where he raises bunnies.
Those unruly bunnies are always trying to get themselves in trouble and have figured out how to open their bunny hutch. They keep sneaking out, running
across the field and off into the orchard. Farmer Dan is worn out from frantically trying to catch them all.
In the next week or so, once the snow has melted, you'll be able to visit his field to help him catch the bunnies. He’ll even pay you some good coins for the help.
The bunnies think it’s funny to get chased around and they actually like being caught and put back into their safe and warm hutch after a nice run. I can’t wait!
And a big “HI” to all of my fellow bloggers out there. I’ve been reading your blogs and wanted to send out kudos to the following bloggers:
Indy 59, Robot, Flamester3000, Sameer1000, AltoBhai, MagieCZ, Wutter, Manis, Lime12101, Tano, Hammer, reporterpandanda, edytkakuki, onlymustang, SarRa220, Oxyah and The Pandanda Gang (Polkagirl919, Blowsight, & Kevinice95)!
You have all done a wonderful job!
If I missed anyone, I'm sorry, I get a lot of emails! :) If you have a blog about Pandanda then send me a link as I’d love to see it.
Beta, Blogs, & Bunnies
Mar. 7th, 2009
Hey everyone! Wow, a lot to talk about this week!
I've been getting lots of questions about how long beta will last. I can tell you that there's a ton of really cool stuff the Pandanda team is working on
for the game, but creating all this cool stuff takes time.
The team wants Pandanda to be the best it can be and there's still a lot of work to get there. I will keep everyone updated so you'll know in advance
before beta ends.
Also, some people have asked if they can create a Pandanda Blog. If you would like to create your own Pandanda blog that would be fantastic!
I love to see Pandanda blogs on the web and I must say they all look terrific! Great job! Remember to send me a link to your blog so I can check it out!
Finally, spring time is just around the corner. I'm excited to see what the new season brings! Perhaps we'll figure out where all the bunnies are coming from.