Beta Items
August 29th, 2009
Hey everyone! A lot of Pandas have been asking me which items they will get to keep when beta testing ends so here's a list!
If you have any of these items, they will stay in your backpack or closet even after beta ends and you will still
be able to use them!
- Snowflake Headband
- Winter Party Long Sleeve Shirt
- Valentines Headband
- Bunny Ears Headband
- Pink Easter Bunny Shirt
- Blue Easter Bunny Shirt
- Purple Door Guitar Shirt
- 4th of July Hat
- Woodman's Hat
- Sombrero
- Conical Straw Hat
- Tropical Player Card Background
- Gold Panda Paint
- Purple Pants
- Gold and Blue Scarf
- Roman Helmet
- White "I'm a Beta" Shirt
- Blue "I'm a Beta" shirt
- Red and White Beanie Cap
Players will also get a special Beta package at the end of Beta! I'll let you know more about the Beta package as we get closer to the end of beta.
Also, Pandanda Elite Membership pricing will be announced in the next few weeks and there will be a super special discount offer for all beta players!
My Visit On Willow
August 16th, 2009
Hi Friends!
It was great fun seeing everyone on Willow today! I took a lot of pictures and I want to share them with all my panda friends.
In answer to the question I'm SURE you all have been asking yourselves... can 50 pandas fit behind the big rock in Shady Glen?
We found out today that the answer is "Yes!" Haha.
I also announced that there will be an end of Beta party. Yea! I know everyone is eager to find out more about that, and what
will happen at the end of Beta. I promise to give you full details as soon as I have them, so stay tuned. Have a great week
and enjoy the pictures.
Everyone catching a quick nap before my arrival
What a crowd in Bear Hollow!
Lots of smiles on West Market Street
Can you spot my twin?
Such happy faces in The Orchard
50 Pandas behind the rock in Shady Glen
Some great close-ups
Say "Cheese". *Click*
Treehouse PAR-TAY
Henry's Blog Replaces PLA Today
August 14th, 2009
Hi everyone! You may notice the in-game newspaper icon has been replaced with a link to my blog! The PLA Today newspaper is
currently being placed on hold as we approach the end of Beta.
Beta will last a few more months but the Pandanda Team is super busy trying to get things ready for the official Pandanda launch
this fall! I'll be adding lots more info to my blog over the next few months about memberships including special offers for Beta players!
New Images & Widgets Page!
August 12th, 2009
Hey all! There's a new Images & Widgets page up on the site! Head on over to grab
some images for your blogs and websites.
You'll see some code in a box next to each image. Just copy that code onto your webpage and let the widgets work their magic. I'll post in my blog each time
more images, widgets, or desktop backgrounds are added to the page.
You can find the Images & Widgets link across the top of this page or by clicking here.
Awesome Visit on Cedar Today!
August 8th, 2009
Hi Everyone!
Today I had a chance to visit the new Cedar server. It was fabulous to see so
many of my friends! I stopped by Bear Hollow, the Fishing Hole, the Forest, the Purple Door,
West Market Street and then it was off to my Treehouse. What a treat to find a wonderful
welcoming crowd of Pandas when I got home!
Below are some of the pictures I took. Hope you enjoy them. It was so much fun to see everyone!
Reminder of Pandanda Rules
August 6th, 2009
Hey gang! Sheriff Steele wanted me to take a minute and remind everyone of the Pandanda rules. These are the rules you agree to when signing up for Pandanda.
- Pandanda does not tolerate bad language and discussion of inappropriate topics. This includes swearing, bullying and general disrespectful
behavior towards other players. In addition it is not appropriate to discuss drug, alcohol, sex and racial topics. Players found not obeying this
rule will be banned and repeated offenses will result in permanent banning.
- Play it safe by never sharing your real name, address, phone number, email address, or passwords with anyone online.
- Players may not use third party programs or create any programs that enable cheating in Pandanda. Use of such programs will result in
permanent banning.
Remember, do not share your account password with anyone else. If they log in to your account and break the Pandanda rules your
account could be permanently banned!
Bunny Potions Back for Limited Time!
July 30th, 2009
Hey everyone! Paige has received another batch of bunny potions! She will be selling them starting tonight. They probably won't last long
so be sure to pick up some this weekend!
You can find Paige in Bear Hollow. To purcahse a bunny potion, click on Paige then select "Buy Items".
Fan Photos
July 29th, 2009
Hey all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! I wanted to post a few of the fan photos we've been getting!
Submitted by 1Beta1
Submitted by nike64
Submitted by kokoda
Submitted by Frosty32
Submitted by purplebanana
Submitted by Ariel2260
Updated Player Card
July 16th, 2009
Hey everyone! The player card has been updated to show your Panda's birthday and age! Now you can see how long other Pandas have been in Pandanda.
To access a Panda's player card, simply click on their avatar and select "View Profile". Here's what it will look like on the player card.
Zing Ballyhoo Arrives in Pandanda Land
July 6th, 2009
Hey gang! Zing Ballyhoo has finally arrived in Pandanda! I spoke with him briefly and he says Pandanda Land is a wonderful place and
he plans on staying a while.
Zing has placed tickets all over Pandanda for you to collect and exchange for his prizes. You can find tickets on the ground in
every location, except your tree house. Whether you're wandering around or just hanging out with your friends, you'll eventually
see a ticket appear on the ground. Just be sure to grab it before it disappears! Once you've collected 10 tickets, go visit Zing
in the Treehouse Lobby to trade them for a prize!
Happy 4th of July!
July 4th, 2009
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Don't forget to log in to get your Uncle Sam hat and check out the awesome fireworks each evening in Pandanda Land this weekend!
New PLA Today and 4th of July Celebration
July 2nd, 2009
Hey everyone! A new issue of the PLA Today newspaper is in the game!
Remember that new resident I mentioned was coming to Pandanda Land? His name is Zing Ballyhoo
and he's bringing prizes with him! I hear he's a bit eccentric but really friendly! There's a
tent already set up in the Treehouse Lobby and he should be
arriving this coming Monday. I can't wait to meet him and see what kind of prizes he has!
In other news, McWiggles is decking out the Ice Cream Parlor in celebration of the 4th of July! It's one of his favorite holidays. And everyone that logs in this weekend will
receive an American Uncle Sam hat! You won't want to miss it!