Henry blogs as often as possible to keep all his friends “in the know” about all things Pandanda. If you have a topic you’d like Henry to respond to on his blog you can send your questions to him.
Favorite Location:
Shady Glen at sunset
Favorite Color:
Definitely purple
Favorite Game:
Dragon's Revenge
Favorite Ice Cream:
I LOVE mint chip
Bunny Potion Back for the Weekend!
June 26th, 2009
Happy Friday Everybody! The bunny potion is back in for this weekend! Talk to Paige in Bear Hollow to purchase it.
Have a great weekend!
Wall Bug and Rumors of a New Resident
June 25th, 2009
Happy Thursday everyone! I've gotten some reports that some Pandas are appearing on the walls and in the lake! The Pandanda Team is aware of the problem
and it will be fixed this evening.
Also, I heard there will be a new resident coming to Pandanda Land in a few weeks! I don't know too much about him but I've heard he's quite the showman and
a very vivacious Panda! I'm sure there will be more information on him in the PLA Today newspaper next week.
New PLA Today and Next Beta Item!
June 17th, 2009
Hey Everyone! There's a new PLA Today newspaper in game now. Check it out for lots of cool photos from the party this past weekend!
Also, this week is your last chance to get the Beanie Cap Beta Item. It will disappear at the end of Friday so if you haven't gotten it yet, you've only
got a few more days to find it!
A LOT of Pandas have been emailing me asking if they can get the white "I'm a Beta" t-shirt. Unfortunately, that item is not longer available. But due to
the huge number of requests, we've decided to release the "I'm a Beta" t-shirt in blue! It will only be available for a limited time so be sure to log in
starting Saturday to get your blue "I'm a Beta" shirt!
And don't forget, if you really like the in-game t-shirt, you can buy a real one for yourself or for a friend! Check out the Pandanda
clothes and official gear store where you can purchase real clothing, mouse pads, and even key chains! Check out the super cool collection by
clicking here or on the shirt to the right.

I'm a Beta by
Huge Purple Door Party Blowout!
June 14th, 2009
Wow, wow, WOW!! The Purple Door grand opening party was a HUGE smash! Over 11,000 Pandas showed up to celebrate!!!
In fact, so many Pandas showed up we had to add more servers!!
It was a fantastic party and I had a wonderful time meeting everyone! Several moderators were there to party down and keep everyone safe.
Special thanks to Jule, Jozie, SusieQ, and Maxxwell. Even Sheriff Steele stopped by to check out the excitement!
But the party wouldn't have been such a humongous success without all the terrific Pandas that showed up! Thanks for making this the
best Pandanda party yet! There will be lots of party photos in the next issue of PLA Today,
but here are a few photos I promised to show in my blog today!
Party Reminder and Performance Help!
June 12th, 2009
Hey Pandas! I just wanted to remind everyone of the party tomorrow! Check my post below to see when I'll be in Pandanda. I'll be moving around
between both servers so if you see me be sure to say 'hi'!
I hope to see everyone there, but even if you can't make it during the times I'll be on, you can still log in any time this weekend to receive the party gift.
Some Pandas have asked how to improve the performance of the game.
The performance of Pandanda can be affected by many different things including server population, your computer’s speed, and the size of your web browser window.
One way to improve the performance is to change the "Graphics Quality" from the
options menu. You can access the options menu by selecting the options icon on the menu bar. The "Graphics Quality" has settings of "High", "Medium", and "Low".
You can try them all out to see which works best for your computer.
Here are some other things you should try:
Make sure no other applications are running on your computer other than your web browser.
Do not download music or video while playing Pandanda.
Close any other tabs you have open in your web browser.
Shrink the game size by shrinking your web browser window.
Sometimes it may help to reboot your computer if you have not done so in several days.
The Purple Door is Open!
June 9th, 2009
Hey everyone, the Purple Door is open and pumping out some great tunes! If you haven't checked it out yet, log in now and see what
everyone is raving about!
And don't forget, this weekend there is a party for the grand opening of the Purple Door! Everyone who logs in will get a special party item!
You don't want to miss this!
Also, I'll be strolling through Pandanda Land this Saturday June 13th from 10am - noon PDT. I've created a list of times for Pandas in other time
zones so you'll know when I'll be around. I hope to see everyone!
New PLA Today and Upcoming Party!
June 3rd, 2009
Hey gang! There's a new PLA Today newspaper hot off the press! There's a huge announcement about the Purple Door! The Purple Door will open
on Monday June 8th and there will be a party to celebrate on Saturday June 13th!
I will post a list of the party time for different time zones in another blog update next week.
The second Beta item, the red and white beanie, is still available for you to find. Check out the riddle from my previous blog entry or read
it in the new PLA Today newspaper. The riddle will tell you the location of the Beta item.
Now to answer a few questions I've been getting.
- How do I get the "I'm a Beta" t-shirt?
The "I'm a Beta" t-shirt is no longer available. Each Beta item is only available for a limited time so be sure to check my blog or the PLA Today
newspaper often so you won't miss out on future Beta items. But don't worry, the second Beta item is still available!
- Will there be more beta items?
Yes, there will be more beta items in the future! Any announcements of new beta items will be either here on my blog or in the PLA Today newspaper.
- Do you have a YouTube account?
No, not at this time! So, if you see someone pretending to be me on YouTube, it's not me!
I do have an official Twitter at
- When can we use the exclamation mark (!) in chat again?
The exclamation mark is back now! Hurray!
Solve the Riddle for the 2nd Beta Item!
May 25th, 2009
Hey everyone,
It's time for the next beta item. Remember this item is only available to beta players like you, and only for a limited time so log in now to get yours.
To find it you must solve the following riddle:
"I’m not on the ground or in the sky
my company at night are fireflies.
I see leaves above and leaves below
I’m hiding away where acorns are stowed."
Ooh that ones kinda tricky! Happy hunting - and remember if you find it first, keep the secret so the chase can be fun for everyone.
New PLA Today and 2nd Beta Item!
May 21st, 2009
Hey all! There's a new PLA Today newspaper out now! Learn more about the Purple Door construction, the new moderators, and the next beta
item that will be released starting Monday!
We've already seen the first Beta item, the "I'm a Beta" t-shirt. Well this next beta item is super cool! I can't say what it is yet but
you'll be able to log in starting Monday to get it. Oh, and this time it will be hidden and you'll have to find it!
Check out my blog on Monday for hints on where to look!
New Potion and Purple Door Construction!
May 15th, 2009
Hey everyone! Paige is now selling a new potion called "Snizzle Fizzle" and it is way cool! It's my new favorite potion!
Be sure to stop by and talk to Paige in Bear Hollow to check it out!
Also, you may have noticed some construction barricades outside the Purple Door! Well I've heard there are interior designers, lighting crews, and audio engineers
working away inside to make it the coolest club around!
I will keep everyone updated on their progress and let you know when the grand opening will take place. There
will definitely be a party on Pandanda® to celebrate the occasion! I can't wait!
Bunny Potions Back for Limited Time!
May 7th, 2009
Hey all! Paige has just received a new batch of bunny potions!
You can find Paige in Bear Hollow. To purcahse a bunny potion, click on Paige then select "Buy Items".
She's only got a limited supply so get them before they're all gone!
New In-World Moderators!
May 4th, 2009
Hey everyone! Starting this week you may notice some new residents in Pandanda® Land. Several moderators will now be available in the world
occassionally to help keep everyone safe and to answer questions about how to play Pandanda®. While Pandanda® will always have
moderators working behind the scenes, these in-world moderators will help make Pandanda® a nicer place for everyone.
All moderators wear a yellow shirt with the moderator "M" symbol on it and their name is highlighted in purple and says "Moderator", so they
should be pretty easy to identify.
Here are a few things to remember when speaking with moderators:
- Only Pandanda® staff can be moderators. Please do not ask them if you can be a moderator.
- They can help you with questions about in-game activities, but they do not know about future events.
Please do not ask them about future parties, when new stuff is coming, or when beta will end. I will post that kind of information here on my blog or
you will be able to find it in the in-game newspaper, PLA Today.
- They have a lot of Pandas to help, so please be patient while they try to answer everyone's questions.
- They are here to help you so please welcome them to Pandanda® and treat them with respect.
Safe Chat Symbol
May 3rd, 2009
Hey gang! Many of you have been asking about the "S" symbol next to the names of some players. This symbol means a player is in Safe
Chat mode.
Both Safe Chat and Standard Chat players share the same servers so this will help you identify players who are using Safe Chat.
Remember, players in Safe Chat mode will only see the preset chat phrases available on the chat panel.